f im at war. ~ BeautifulSmile♥

I am perfectly made, and wonderfully flawed. Hi

Saturday, July 30, 2011

im at war.

today i found someone just like you.
but i guess its just going to be another heartbreak.
i stalk over a bit of his life.
and i know that there will be something about him that i will really love.
he may not be you.
he is a little different from who i expect him to be.
i wasn't thinking of you when i talk to him.
but i thought of you when i read about him.
this is insane.
im done talking about this.

today i found out something.
today i found out that you are a total bitch!
today i lost my respect to you.
today, i dont know how to even look at your face and dont feel disgusted.

i am going to cry.
yes, i know that i swore to myself not to and be strong.
but i have quite a solid reason to cry today. and good thing no one is around to stop me.

and you people,
please pretend that i am not exist. at least for a while


  1. xcte kt akk pun,,lame da tny bsl bf and now da jd ex pun kn...uwwaaaa

  2. haha. alaa, orang tu kan busy sejak ada aiz ni. hahaha. one day, i'll tell you all, okay?

  3. ala mne ade la...okeyokey...promise ???????


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