f July 2012 ~ BeautifulSmile♥

I am perfectly made, and wonderfully flawed. Hi

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Random Thought.

It's weird that I have been thinking about you lately.
Well, not in any way that you think I would think of you but yea, I did thought of you.
People said, it's okay to miss someone; it is a part of moving on but it annoys you when someone is trying to bring up the feeling that you've learned to forget. 

I know that we've stopped contacting each other.
I just hope that it will stay this way.
It helps a lot.

If you're reading this, I want you to take good care of yourself.
Find yourself a decent girl and don't take her for granted.
Don't tell her you love her if you see no future with her.
Don't get too angry, don't ignore her too long.
Hold her, make her feel wanted, make her feel that she belongs with you.
and don't say words if you don't mean it and mean what you said -- because WORDS; they cannot be taken back.

p/s: I remember every fucking word you said to me. even the one on our first date.

p/p/s: I am happy now. Thanks to you. :)

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Back ♥

Life is unexpectedly beautiful. Sometimes it is unexpectedly too good to be true.
I always believe that the end of something always means a beginning of something else. And I believe that everything happens for a reason. - We live, we grow up, we make mistakes and then we live with it. And it is up to us to smile and laugh about the mistakes and not to repeat it, or just frown yourself up and keep hoping that you can go back to the past and change things.
guess what, fellas.
you cant.
you cant just go back to the past and change things, it doesn't work that way.
A mistake is a mistake, it will always remain as a mistake. It would still makes us feel a bit stupid at times. and what broke the heart, the ache is still there somehow - doesn't matter how you forgives and try to sooth it away, it will always be there.

Hi everyone. I am yet to tell you another story.
well, a part of me has just gone.
let's see what's left of me :)

by the way,
How are you, beautiful people? :)
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