f oh my "BESTFRIEND" ~ BeautifulSmile♥

I am perfectly made, and wonderfully flawed. Hi

Friday, January 7, 2011


he is fake.
he is a big liar.
he is stupid.
he took you for granted.
he break his promises.
he make you waited like an IDIOT since morning till 800pm.
he is someone that will not chase you if you walk away. and that is why you afraid of walking away at the first place.
he is a person you NEVER met before. okay, maybe once, and that was years ago.
he might not even exist in this whole entire world.
he might just be like some kind of joke for you.
he is just SIMPLY NOTHING.

and you dont even have his number.
and you have to talk to him THROUGH your friend.
and you AFRAID to tell me almost all the truth because you AFRAID that i might be right.
and you did not say even a word to me after dragging me into a mess and make me feel like a total idiot too.
and you doesn't seem to want to catch me back after i said i want to walk away and leave you with him.
and you ..
and you decided to choose to stay with him.
the person that YOU, YOURSELF not even sure ever existed in the world instead of ...

I AM TIRED. i am tired of being the listener to a person that choose NOT TO LISTEN. i am tired of being the one that have to sacrifice over something worthless. i am not trying to ask you to do what i ask you to do. if you realize and take a step back actually you NEVER DID do whatever i ADVICE you to do. i never did trying to ask you to do things that you dont want to do but i am trying to help you to not looking stupid and do stupid stuff and regret about the whole thing later. whatever it is, thankyou, friend, thankyou so much for say it right to my face show clearly that you dont need me and i am just less important to be compare to the fake bastard. thankyouverymuch. thankyou for not stopping me from walking away from the friendship. be happy. i'll be okay.


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